Fast and easy SECRETS to potty training a puppy or foster dog

Want to know a huge secret to potty training a puppy?

I’m going to share with you a huge dog training secret that the professionals use to easily house train a puppy or rescue dog!

Start a potty training journal documenting the pups activities.

This is the same training journal that our professional trainers use in Miami to help owners enjoy lives with their dogs.

Print out our potty training journal to make it easy.

Fast and easy SECRETS to potty training a puppy or foster dog

If your puppy successfully goes #1 or #2 outside record the time and check the appropriate box.

If your puppy has an accident “check” the accident box and “check whether it was “#1” or “#2” Use the notes section to record anything else.

To potty train your dog the quickest the dog should be in the same room as you, on a leash by your side, in a play pen or in a crate at all times until fully potty trained (usually around 6 months -1 year).

This is what we do in our training Retreats here at Happy With Dogs. Start taking a new dog to the grass (or potty area) every 30 minutes!

Walk your pup into the grass and allow them to sniff around this can take 3-15 minutes. Continue walking the grass until the pup relieves it self.

Your puppy can walk around outside on leash or off leash, most importantly paw-rents should be present and able to guide the puppy. We like to name this behavior “go potty” so our dogs will eliminate on command.

Say “go potty” while your dog is searching and immediately before they finish the act, we reward and celebrate. Make sure every time your pup eliminates outside you celebrate the way they want to (their favorite thing to do).

We reward dogs going potty outside with playtime, affection, treats, and balls being thrown.

Allow your dog to run around, walk more, or play to teach them they can have fun outside too. We increase the time between potty breaks dependent upon each dog’s needs, age, and size.

I hope you use the guide above to help you overcome these potty training issues. Please share with us how the journal is working

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Happy With Dogs Miami

Happy With Dogs Miami

Rebecca was born in Howell, Michigan, and grew up on a livestock farm with 4 siblings and many loving creatures.

Growing up she played rugby and enjoyed showing livestock in 4H, but her passion was for dog training.